Source code for configpile.collector

Value consolidation

This module defines :class:`.Collector`, which is a class that collects a sequence of parsed values
into a single value.

For example, one may want that the last value for a given parameter overwrites the previous values
(:meth:`.Collector.keep_last`), or that all values are returned in a sequence
(:meth:`.Collector.append`, :meth:`.Collector.append1`).

.. rubric:: Types

This module uses the following types.

.. py:data:: _Value

    Type of the values to collect

.. py:data:: _Item

    Item in a sequence


from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Any, Generic, List, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar

from .userr import Err, Res

_Value = TypeVar("_Value")

_Item = TypeVar("_Item")

[docs]class Collector(abc.ABC, Generic[_Value]): """ Collects argument instances and computes the final value """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def arg_required(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether one instance of the argument needs to be present """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def collect(self, seq: Sequence[_Value]) -> Res[_Value]: """ Collects a sequence of values into a result Args: seq: Sequence of parsed values Returns: Either the consolidated value or an error """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def argparse_argument_kwargs(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Returns the arguments using in documentation (piggy backing on argparse) """
[docs] @staticmethod def keep_last() -> Collector[_Value]: """ Returns a collector that keeps the last value """ class _KeepLast(Collector[_Value]): def arg_required(self) -> bool: return True def collect(self, seq: Sequence[_Value]) -> Res[_Value]: if not seq: # no instances provided return Err.make("Argument is required") else: # instances are provided return seq[-1] def argparse_argument_kwargs(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return {"action": "store"} return _KeepLast()
[docs] @staticmethod def append() -> Collector[Sequence[_Item]]: """ Returns a collector that appends sequences """ class _Append(Collector[Sequence[_Item]]): def arg_required(self) -> bool: return False def collect(self, seq: Sequence[Sequence[_Item]]) -> Res[Sequence[_Item]]: res: List[_Item] = [] for i in seq: res.extend(i) return res def argparse_argument_kwargs(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return {"action": "append"} return _Append()