Source code for configpile.handlers

This module defines the handlers that are used during processing.

.. rubric:: Types

This module uses the following types.

.. py:data:: _Value

    Value being parsed by a :class:`~configpile.parsers.Parser`

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar

from .arg import Positional
from .enums import SpecialAction
from .userr import Err, in_context

    from .arg import Expander, Param
    from .processor import State

_Value = TypeVar("_Value")

[docs]class CLHandler(ABC): """ A handler for command-line arguments """
[docs] @abstractmethod def handle(self, args: Sequence[str], state: State) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Optional[Err]]: """ Processes arguments, possibly updating the state or returning errors Args: args: Command-line arguments not processed yet state: (Mutable) state to possibly update Returns: The updated command-line and an optional error """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CLSpecialAction(CLHandler): """ A handler that sets the special action """ special_action: SpecialAction #: Special action to set
[docs] def handle(self, args: Sequence[str], state: State) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Optional[Err]]: if state.special_action is not None: before = now = err = Err.make(f"We had already action {before}, conflicts with action {now}") return (args, err) state.special_action = self.special_action return (args, None)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CLInserter(CLHandler): """ Handler that expands a flag into a sequence of args inserted into the command line to be parsed """ #: Arguments inserted in the command-line inserted_args: Sequence[str]
[docs] def handle(self, args: Sequence[str], state: State) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Optional[Err]]: return ([*self.inserted_args, *args], None)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CLParam(CLHandler, Generic[_Value]): """ Parameter handler Takes a single string argument from the command line, parses it and pushes into the corresponding sequence of instances """ #: Parameter to handle param: Param[_Value]
[docs] def action(self, value: _Value, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: """ A method called on the successful parse of a value Can be overridden. By default does nothing. Args: value: Parsed value state: State to possibly update Returns: An optional error """ return None
[docs] def handle(self, args: Sequence[str], state: State) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Optional[Err]]: if args: res = self.param.parser.parse(args[0]) if isinstance(res, Err): return (args[1:], res.in_context( else: assert is not None, "Names are assigned after initialization" err = in_context(self.action(res, state), state.instances[] = [*state.instances[], res] return (args[1:], err) else: return ( args, Err.make("Expected value, but no argument present",, )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CLRootParam(CLParam[Path]): """ A root path parameter handler Changes the root path used to resolve configuration file relative paths """
[docs] def action(self, value: Path, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: state.root_path = value return None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CLConfigParam(CLParam[Sequence[Path]]): """ A configuration file parameter handler If paths are successfully parsed, it appends configuration files to be parsed to the current state. """
[docs] def action(self, value: Sequence[Path], state: State) -> Optional[Err]: state.config_files_to_process.extend(value) return None
[docs]@dataclass class CLPos(CLHandler): """ Handles positional parameters Note that this handler has state, namely the positional parameters that are still expected. """ pos: List[Param[Any]] #: (Mutable) list of positional parameters
[docs] @staticmethod def make(seq: Sequence[Param[Any]]) -> CLPos: """ Constructs a positional parameter handler from a sequence of positional parameters Args: seq: Positional parameters Returns: Handler """ assert all([p.positional is not None for p in seq]), "All parameters should be positional" assert all( [not p.positional.should_be_last() for p in seq[:-1] if p.positional is not None] ), "Positional parameters with a variable number of arguments should be last" l = list(seq) # makes a mutable copy return CLPos(l)
[docs] def handle(self, args: Sequence[str], state: State) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Optional[Err]]: if not args: return (args, None) # should not happen ,but let's not crash if not self.pos: return (args[1:], Err.make(f"Unknown argument {args[0]}")) p = self.pos[0] assert is not None res = p.parser.parse(args[0]) if isinstance(res, Err): return (args[1:], in_context(res, else: state.append(, res) if p.positional == Positional.ONCE: self.pos = self.pos[1:] return (args[1:], None)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CLStdHandler(CLHandler): """ The standard command line arguments handler It processes arguments one by one. If it recognizes a flag, the corresponding handler is called. Otherwise, control is passed to the fallback handler, which by default processes positional parameters. """ flags: Mapping[str, CLHandler] fallback: CLHandler
[docs] def handle(self, args: Sequence[str], state: State) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Optional[Err]]: if not args: return (args, None) flag = args[0] handler = self.flags.get(flag) if handler is not None: next_args, err = handler.handle(args[1:], state) err = in_context(err, flag=flag) return next_args, err else: return self.fallback.handle(args, state)
[docs]class KVHandler(ABC): """ Handler for key/value pairs found for example in environment variables or INI files Note that the key is not stored/processed in this class. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def handle(self, value: str, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: """ Processes Args: value: Value to parse and process state: State to update Returns: An error if an error occurred """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class KVParam(KVHandler, Generic[_Value]): """ Handler for the value following a key corresponding to a parameter """ #: Parameter to handle param: Param[_Value]
[docs] def action(self, value: _Value, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: """ A method called on the successful parse of a value Can be overridden. By default does nothing. Args: value: Parsed value state: State to possibly update Returns: An optional error """ return None
[docs] def handle(self, value: str, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: res = self.param.parser.parse(value) if isinstance(res, Err): return res else: assert is not None err = self.action(res, state) state.instances[] = [*state.instances[], res] return in_context(err,
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class KVConfigParam(KVParam[Sequence[Path]]): """ Handler for the configuration file value following a key corresponding to a parameter """
[docs] def action(self, value: Sequence[Path], state: State) -> Optional[Err]: state.config_files_to_process.extend(value) return None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class KVRootParam(KVParam[Path]): """ A root path parameter handler Changes the root path used to resolve configuration file relative paths """
[docs] def action(self, value: Path, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: state.root_path = value return None