Source code for configpile.processor

Arguments processing

This module contains the internal machinery that processes environment variables, configuration
files and command-line parameters.

As of March 22, 2022, configpile is still pretty much influenced by :mod:`argparse`, and the
machinery below supports a subset of :mod:`argparse` functionality. Later on, we may cut ties
with :mod:`argparse`, add our own help/usage message writing, our own Sphinx extension and
encourage extending those processing classes.

.. rubric:: Types

This module uses the following types.

.. py:data:: _Config

    Type of the configuration dataclass to construct

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import configparser
import sys
import warnings
from configparser import ConfigParser
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Annotated, get_args, get_origin, get_type_hints

from .arg import Arg, Expander, Param
from .enums import SpecialAction
from .handlers import CLHandler, CLPos, CLSpecialAction, CLStdHandler, KVHandler
from .userr import Err, Res
from .util import ClassDoc, filter_types_single

    from .config import Config

_Config = TypeVar("_Config", bound="Config")

[docs]@dataclass class State: """ Describes the (mutable) state of a configuration being parsed """ root_path: Optional[Path] #: Base path to use to resolve relative config file paths instances: Dict[str, List[Any]] #: Contains the sequence of values for each parameter config_files_to_process: List[Path] #: Contains a list of configuration files to process special_action: Optional[SpecialAction] #: Contains a special action if flag was encountered
[docs] def append(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Appends a value to a parameter No type checking is performed, be careful. Args: key: Parameter name value: Value to append """ assert key in self.instances, f"{key} is not a Param name" self.instances[key] = [*self.instances[key], value]
[docs] @staticmethod def make(root_path: Optional[Path], params: Iterable[Param[Any]]) -> State: """ Creates the initial state, populated with the default values when present Args: params: Sequence of parameters Raises: ValueError: If a default value cannot be parsed correctly Returns: The initial mutable state """ instances: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {} for p in params: assert is not None, "Arguments have names after initialization" if p.default_value is not None: res = p.parser.parse(p.default_value) if isinstance(res, Err): raise ValueError(f"Invalid default {p.default_value} for parameter {}") instances[] = [res] else: instances[] = [] return State(root_path, instances, config_files_to_process=[], special_action=None)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class IniProcessor: """ INI configuration file processor """ section_strict: Mapping[str, bool] #: Sections and their strictness kv_handlers: Mapping[str, KVHandler] #: Handler for key/value pairs def _process(self, parser: ConfigParser, state: State) -> Sequence[Err]: """ Processes a filled ConfigParser Args: parser: INI data to parse state: Mutable state to update Returns: Errors that occurred, if any """ errors: List[Err] = [] try: for section_name in parser.sections(): if section_name in self.section_strict: for key, value in parser[section_name].items(): err: Optional[Err] = None if key in self.kv_handlers: res = self.kv_handlers[key].handle(value, state) if isinstance(res, Err): err = res else: if self.section_strict[section_name]: err = Err.make(f"Unknown key {key}") if err is not None: errors.append(err.in_context(ini_section=section_name)) except configparser.Error: errors.append(Err.make("Parse error")) except IOError: errors.append(Err.make("IO Error")) return errors
[docs] def process_string(self, ini_contents: str, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: """ Processes a configuration file given as a string Args: ini_contents: Contents of the INI file state: Mutable state to update Returns: An optional error """ errors: List[Err] = [] parser = ConfigParser() try: parser.read_string(ini_contents) errors.extend(self._process(parser, state)) except configparser.Error: errors.append(Err.make("Parse error")) except IOError: errors.append(Err.make("IO Error")) if errors: return Err.collect(*errors) else: return None
[docs] def process(self, ini_file_path: Path, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: """ Processes a configuration file Args: ini_path: Path to the INI file state: Mutable state to update Returns: An optional error """ errors: List[Err] = [] if not ini_file_path.exists(): return Err.make(f"Config file {ini_file_path} does not exist") if not ini_file_path.is_file(): return Err.make(f"Path {ini_file_path} is not a file") parser = ConfigParser() # disable conversion to lower-case parser.optionxform = str # type: ignore try: with open(ini_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: parser.read_file(file) errors.extend(self._process(parser, state)) except configparser.Error: errors.append(Err.make("Parse error")) except IOError: errors.append(Err.make("IO Error")) if errors: return Err.collect(*errors) else: return None
[docs]@dataclass class ProcessorFactory(Generic[_Config]): """ Describes a processor in construction This factory is passed to the different arguments present in the configuration. """ #: List of parameters indexed by their field name params_by_name: Dict[str, Param[Any]] #: Argument parser to update, used to display help and for the Sphinx documentation argument_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser #: Argument parser group for commands ap_commands: argparse._ArgumentGroup #: Argument parser group for required parameters ap_required: argparse._ArgumentGroup #: Argument parser group for optional parameters ap_optional: argparse._ArgumentGroup #: Handlers for environment variables env_handlers: Dict[str, KVHandler] # = {} #: List of INI sections with their corresponding strictness ini_section_strict: Dict[str, bool] #: List of handlers for key/value pairs present in INI files ini_handlers: Dict[str, KVHandler] #: List of command line flag handlers cl_flag_handlers: Dict[str, CLHandler] #: List of positional arguments cl_positionals: List[Param[Any]] validators: List[Callable[[_Config], Optional[Err]]] @staticmethod def _trim_docstring(docstring: str) -> str: """Trims a docstring Args: docstring: Docstring to trim according to PEP 257 Returns: The trimmed docstring """ if not docstring: return "" # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules) # and split into a list of lines: lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count): indent = sys.maxsize for line in lines[1:]: stripped = line.lstrip() if stripped: indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) # Remove indentation (first line is special): trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] if indent < sys.maxsize: for line in lines[1:]: trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines: while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]: trimmed.pop() while trimmed and not trimmed[0]: trimmed.pop(0) # Return a single string: return "\n".join(trimmed)
[docs] @staticmethod def make(config_type: Type[_Config]) -> ProcessorFactory[_Config]: """ Constructs an empty processor factory Args: config_type: Configuration to process Returns: A processor factory """ # fill program name from script invocation prog = config_type.prog_ if prog is None: prog = sys.argv[0] # fill description from class docstring description: Optional[str] = config_type.description_ if description is None: description = config_type.__doc__ if description is not None: description = ProcessorFactory._trim_docstring(description) argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=prog, description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, add_help=False, ) argument_parser._action_groups.pop() # pylint: disable=protected-access return ProcessorFactory( params_by_name={}, argument_parser=argument_parser, ap_commands=argument_parser.add_argument_group("commands"), ap_optional=argument_parser.add_argument_group("optional arguments"), ap_required=argument_parser.add_argument_group("required arguments"), env_handlers={}, ini_section_strict={ s.strict for s in config_type.ini_sections_()}, ini_handlers={}, cl_flag_handlers={}, cl_positionals=[], validators=[*config_type.validators_()], )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Processor(Generic[_Config]): """ Configuration processor """ #: Configuration to parse config_type: Type[_Config] #: Completed argument parser, used only for documentation purposes (CLI and Sphinx) argument_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser #: Environment variable handlers env_handlers: Mapping[str, KVHandler] #: INI file processor ini_processor: IniProcessor #: Command line arguments handler cl_handler: CLStdHandler #: Dictionary of parameters by field name params_by_name: Mapping[str, Param[Any]] validators: Sequence[Callable[[_Config], Optional[Err]]]
[docs] @staticmethod def process_fields(config_type: Type[_Config]) -> Sequence[Arg]: """ Returns a sequence of the arguments present in a configuration, with updated data Args: config_type: Configuration to process Returns: Sequence of arguments """ args: List[Arg] = [] docs: ClassDoc[_Config] = ClassDoc.make(config_type) th = get_type_hints(config_type, include_extras=True) for name, typ in th.items(): arg: Optional[Arg] = None if get_origin(typ) is ClassVar: a = getattr(config_type, name) if isinstance(a, Arg): assert isinstance(a, Expander), "Only commands (Cmd) can be class attributes" arg = a if get_origin(typ) is Annotated: param = filter_types_single(Param, get_args(typ)) if param is not None: arg = param if arg is not None: help_lines = docs[name] if help_lines is None: hlp = "" else: hlp = "\n".join(help_lines) arg = arg.updated(name, hlp, config_type.env_prefix_) args.append(arg) return args
[docs] @staticmethod def make( config_type: Type[_Config], ) -> Processor[_Config]: """ Creates the processor corresponding to a configuration """ pf = ProcessorFactory.make(config_type) for arg in Processor.process_fields(config_type): arg.update_processor(pf) # if these flags are no longer provided by default, update the overview concept notebook # in the documentation pf.cl_flag_handlers["-h"] = CLSpecialAction(SpecialAction.HELP) pf.cl_flag_handlers["--help"] = CLSpecialAction(SpecialAction.HELP) return Processor( config_type=config_type, argument_parser=pf.argument_parser, env_handlers=pf.env_handlers, ini_processor=IniProcessor(pf.ini_section_strict, pf.ini_handlers), cl_handler=CLStdHandler(pf.cl_flag_handlers, CLPos(pf.cl_positionals)), params_by_name=pf.params_by_name, validators=pf.validators, )
def _process_config(self, state: State) -> Optional[Err]: """ Processes configuration files if such processing was requested by a handler Args: state: Mutable state to update Returns: An optional error """ paths = state.config_files_to_process state.config_files_to_process = [] errors: List[Err] = [] for p in paths: err: Optional[Err] = None config_path: Optional[Path] = None if p.is_absolute(): config_path = p else: if state.root_path is None: err = Err.make( "Relative configuration file path given with no root path known" ) else: config_path = state.root_path / p if config_path is not None: err = self.ini_processor.process(config_path, state) if err is not None: errors.append(err.in_context(ini_file=p)) return Err.collect(*errors)
[docs] def process_ini_contents(self, ini_contents: str) -> Res[_Config]: """ Processes the configuration in INI format contained in a string Args: ini_contents: Multiline string containing information in INI format Returns: The parsed configuration or an error """ state = self._state_with_default_values(None) err = self.ini_processor.process_string(ini_contents, state) if err is not None: return err return self._finish_processing_state(state)
[docs] def process_ini_file(self, ini_file_path: Path) -> Res[_Config]: """ Processes the configuration contained in an INI file Args: ini_file_path: Path to the file to parse Returns: The parsed configuration or an error """ state = self._state_with_default_values(None) err = self.ini_processor.process(ini_file_path, state) if err is not None: return err return self._finish_processing_state(state)
[docs] def process( self, cwd: Path, args: Sequence[str], env: Mapping[str, str], ) -> Res[Union[_Config, SpecialAction]]: """ Processes command-line arguments (deprecated) See also: :meth:`.process_command_line` """ warnings.warn( "process has been deprecated, use process_command_line instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.process_command_line(cwd, args, env)
def _finish_processing_state(self, state: State) -> Res[_Config]: """ Finishes the processing of the state This method performs: - the collection of parameter values - the final validation using validation methods Args: state: State after parsing all elements, must have :attr:`.State.special_action` set to :data:`None` Returns: The parsed configuration or an error """ assert state.special_action is None errors: List[Err] = [] collected: Dict[str, Any] = {} for name, param in self.params_by_name.items(): instances = state.instances[name] res = param.collector.collect(instances) if isinstance(res, Err): errors.append(res.in_context(param=name)) else: collected[name] = res if errors: return Err.collect1(*errors) c: _Config = self.config_type(**collected) validation_error: Optional[Err] = Err.collect(*[f(c) for f in self.validators]) if validation_error is not None: return validation_error else: return c def _state_with_default_values(self, root_path: Optional[Path]) -> State: """ Returns a new state instance with default values populated Args: root_path: Optional root path used to resolve configuration file paths """ return State.make(root_path, self.params_by_name.values())
[docs] def process_command_line( self, cwd: Path, args: Sequence[str], env: Mapping[str, str], ) -> Res[Union[_Config, SpecialAction]]: """ Processes command-line arguments, configuration files and environment variables Args: cwd: Working directory, used as a base for configuration file relative paths args: Command line arguments to parse env: Environment variables Returns: Either a parsed configuration, a special action to execute, or (a list of) errors """ errors: List[Err] = [] state = self._state_with_default_values(cwd) # process environment variables for key, value in env.items(): handler = self.env_handlers.get(key) if handler is not None: err = handler.handle(value, state) if err is not None: errors.append(err.in_context(environment_variable=key)) err = self._process_config(state) if err is not None: errors.append(err.in_context(environment_variable=key)) # process command line arguments rest_args: Sequence[str] = args while rest_args: rest_args, err = self.cl_handler.handle(rest_args, state) if err is not None: errors.append(err) err = self._process_config(state) if err is not None: errors.append(err) if state.special_action is not None: return state.special_action if errors: return Err.collect1(*errors) return self._finish_processing_state(state)