Source code for configpile.util

Module defining utility functions

.. rubric:: Types

.. py:data:: _Key

.. py:data:: _Value

.. py:data:: _Class

.. py:data:: _Type
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import textwrap
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Mapping, NoReturn, Optional
from typing import OrderedDict as OrderedDictT
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from class_doc import extract_docs_from_cls_obj

_Key = TypeVar("_Key")
_Value = TypeVar("_Value")
_Class = TypeVar("_Class")
_Type = TypeVar("_Type")

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ClassDoc(Generic[_Class]): """ Stores information about Sphinx autodoc-style documentation for a class See `<>`_ """ docs: Sequence[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]] #: Documentation for the class and parents
[docs] def raw(self, attribute_name: str) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ Returns the raw documentation string for the given attribute This walks through the base classes in the Method Resolution Order and returns the first string encountered. Args: attribute_name: Attribute name """ for d in if attribute_name in d: return d[attribute_name] return None
def __getitem__(self, attribute_name: str) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ Returns the documentation for a given attribute This returns the documentation present in the first class in the Method Resolution Order. Args: attribute_name: Name of the attribute to query Returns: Documentation lines or None if not found """ res = self.raw(attribute_name) if res is None: return None return textwrap.dedent("\n".join(res)).split("\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def make(t: Type[_Class]) -> ClassDoc[_Class]: """ Retrieves the documentation for the attributes of a class Args: t: Class type to investigate Returns: A ClassDoc instance """ docs: List[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]] = [] for c in t.mro(): try: docs.append(extract_docs_from_cls_obj(c)) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except"Could not retrieve docs for %s: %s", c, e) return ClassDoc(docs)
[docs]def dict_from_multiple_keys(pairs: Sequence[Tuple[Sequence[_Key], _Value]]) -> Dict[_Key, _Value]: """ Constructs a dict from a list of items where a value can have multiple keys Args: pairs: List of dict elements Returns: A dictionary """ return {k: v for (kk, v) in pairs for k in kk}
[docs]def filter_ordered_dict_by_value_type( w: Type[_Type], od: OrderedDictT[_Key, Any] ) -> OrderedDictT[_Key, _Type]: """ Filters values of an ordered dictionary that correspond to a given type Returns: A new dictionary """ pairs: Sequence[Tuple[_Key, _Type]] = [(k, v) for (k, v) in od.items() if isinstance(v, w)] return OrderedDict(pairs)
[docs]def filter_ordered_dict( f: Callable[[_Key, _Value], bool], od: OrderedDictT[_Key, _Value], ) -> OrderedDictT[_Key, _Value]: """ Filters items of an ordered dictionary based on a predicate Args: f: Predicate taking a key/value pair as arguments od: Ordered dictionary to filter Returns: A new dictionary """ return OrderedDict([(k, v) for (k, v) in od.items() if f(k, v)])
[docs]def filter_sequence_by_value_type( w: Type[_Type], seq: Sequence[Any], predicate: Optional[Callable[[_Type], bool]] ) -> Sequence[_Type]: """ Filter values using their type and an optional predicate Args: w: Type to keep seq: Sequence to filter predicate: Optional predicate, default: keep all values of given type Returns: The filtered sequence """ if predicate is None: predicate = lambda w: True # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment return [v for v in seq if isinstance(v, w) if predicate(v)]
[docs]def assert_never(value: NoReturn) -> NoReturn: """ Function used for exhaustiveness checks See `<>`_ """ assert False, f"Unhandled value: {value} ({type(value).__name__})"
[docs]def filter_types( t: Type[_Class], seq: Sequence[Any], min_el: int = 0, max_el: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[_Class]: """ Searches for elements of a given type in a sequence Args: t: Type to search for seq: Sequence to search in min_el: Minimum number of elements to recover max_el: Maximum number of elements to recover (optional) Raises: ValueError: if the number of recovered elements is not between ``min_el`` and ``max_el`` Returns: A sequence of elements of the given type """ filtered = [s for s in seq if isinstance(s, t)] n = len(filtered) if n < min_el: raise ValueError(f"Minimum {min_el} elements of type {t} need to be present, {n} found") if max_el and n > max_el: raise ValueError(f"Minimum {max_el} elements of type {t} need to be present, {n} found") return filtered
[docs]def filter_types_single(t: Type[_Class], seq: Sequence[Any]) -> Optional[_Class]: """ Searches for zero or one elements of a given type in a sequence Args: t: Type to search for seq: Sequence to search in Raises: ValueError: if the number of recovered elements is not between ``min_el`` and ``max_el`` Returns: A single element or None """ res = filter_types(t, seq, min_el=0, max_el=1) if res: return res[0] else: return None